Cette solution semble etre un bon compromis quand on veut du lien bidirectionnel (ce qui n'est pas possible avec les links) :
Pour grapher le cputime cumulé de certains process
ps -e --format pid,time
L'inconvénient c'est que la valeur retournée est dans un format batard..
Le mieux ce serait de l'avoir en seconde, comme le etimes
nodejs process manager
Tout est dans man ps, je me le mets de côté pour écrire un plugin collectd :
ps -p $(cat /var/run/xx.pid) --no-headers --format rssize,vsize
Pour avoir les logs d'apache dans la console quand on lance en foreground
LogLevel info
14 ErrorLog "|cat"
15 LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
16 CustomLog "|cat" common
En augmentant le rate limit de rsyslog ça passe
imuxsock lost
To manage multiple identities
It took me some time to figure this one out, as everybody is using rsync and ssh-keys without passphrases, but I insist that an ssh-key should have a passphrase.
In my first attemts I got this error messages mailed to me by crontab:
Permission denied (gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic,publickey,keyboard-interactive).
Here are the steps to automate a backup initiated from crontab using rsync, SSH and ssh-keys with a passphrase:
Make a set of SSH keys.
Setup SSH to use the agent automatically.
Login once as the user who's cron will run the backup script. You will be asked for a passphrase. When the machine reboots, you will need to login once more, to enter the passphrase again.
Make a backup script that includes some SSH variables.
This script could be as simple as this:
. /home/username/.ssh/variables
rsync -avz --delete /data/ example.com:data
N.B. This variables file only contains these lines:
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-DmFcb18036/agent.18036; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;
echo Agent pid 18037;
Put that script in crontab.
That should do it for you, as it works like a charm for me!
sshadd() {
source "$variables" > /dev/null
ssh-add -l > /dev/null 2>&1
case "$?" in
ssh-add > /dev/null 2>&1
rm "$variables"
sshagent() {
if [ -f "$variables" ] ; then
ssh-agent -s > $variables
useful script to migrate redis server without downtime