Show what will be deleted with the -n option:
git clean -f -n
Then - beware: this will delete files - run:
git clean -f
Framework counterpart.
In config/initializers, you will find a file called inflections.rb. There are some instructions in here, but you will want something along the lines of:
ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
inflect.irregular 'bonus', 'bonuses'
Table de correspondance emoji entres différents softs/plateformes
Un cours en français qui a l'air très bien. Via sametmax sur twitter
Hop, je serai moins bête l'an prochain :
PNG is already a compressed data format. Compressing it with GZIP is not likely to decrease the size, and can in fact make it larger.
The need for X-Accel-Redirect (and it’s sibling X-Sendfile) comes from two distinct requirements
The need to deliver large files.
The need for those files to not be available to the public.