docker run --rm -it -u $(id -u) -v "${PWD}:/data" -w /data ruby:2.3 \
bundle package --all
Une vue pratique pour comparer les instances ec2
il faut que je me fasse au workflow "Branch updater"
The -m option specifies the parent number. This is because a merge commit has more than one parent, and Git does not know automatically which parent was the mainline, and which parent was the branch you want to un-merge.
When you view a merge commit in the output of git log, you will see its parents listed on the line that begins with Merge:
commit 8f937c683929b08379097828c8a04350b9b8e183
Merge: 8989ee0 7c6b236
Author: Ben James
Date: Wed Aug 17 22:49:41 2011 +0100
Merge branch 'gh-pages'
In this situation, git revert 8f937c6 -m 1 will get you the tree as it was in 8989ee0, and git revert -m 2 will reinstate the tree as it was in 7c6b236.
THE page you have to bookmark when you work with beanstalk and saved config
Keepalive Notes
A keepalive packet generally has a TCP ACK configured with a sequence number set to one less than the current number used on the connection. Any machine receiving a nudge from such a packet will simply respond with the correct sequence number and, Frankenstein jokes aside, announce that it is indeed alive.
These types of packets are sometimes empty and generally have three associated parameters. The retry parameter will declare how many times to send a packet before coming to the conclusion that the other end of the connection has given up the ghost. The time setting is configured as the frequency of the checks, and finally the interval dictates the length of time between two sent packets if no response is received.
Inside the kernel, you can alter these settings by editing these values in the eye-watering pseudo-filesystem known and loved as /proc. One file, in this case, is /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time, and you can edit it
à creuser..
cloudformation permet de créer des stacks complètes à partir d'un fichier description (yaml ou json)
Donc en partant d'un environnement aws completement vierge, en théorie un seul fichier et une seule commande permet de créer une stack.
On pourrait faire la meme chose avec un script et l'appels aux api pour créer les éléments un par un. L'avantage de cloudformation, c'est la gestion des priorités de création, des dépendances... On peut déclarer dans l'odre qu'on veut dans le Yaml, tout se fera "automagiquement"
Autre avantage, l'idempotence, on peut appliquer de nouveau le template et si rien n'a été changé, rien ne changera.
Au contraire si complexifie la stack, elle se mettra à jour.
Un peu comme Puppet vs Ansible
You need ldapsearch from mozldap-tools (the classic ldapsearch does not have such options)
How I did :
docker run -it centos bash
yum install wget svrcore-devel.x86_64
rpm -ivh mozldap-6.0.7-8.mga5.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh mozldap-tools-6.0.7-8.mga5.x86_64.rpm
/usr/lib64/mozldap/ldapsearch -r -C PS:any:1:1 -D "cn=Admin Account" -w "secret" -p 9389 -h -b dc=sso,dc=company,dc=org -s sub "(mail=toto*)"
Once the connection is established, you will receive notification on this one when a change is done
Le genre de truc qui repose sur une connexion qui doit restée up alors que idle..
Note: Environment persistence can cause unexpected side effects. For example, setting ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive may confuse apt-get users on a Debian-based image. To set a value for a single command, use RUN <key>=<value> <command>.
The environment variables set using ENV will persist when a container is run from the resulting image. You can view the values using docker inspect, and change them using docker run --env <key>=<value>.
So <prefix>+: and then enter respawn-pane -k and press Enter
TIL pourquoi certains claviers ont une touche Enter différente :D