Quelques pistes pour monitorer le TCPforwarding
Allez, je me promets de m'y mettre avec la nouvelle release!
Logstalgia is a website traffic visualization that replays or streams web-server access logs as a pong-like battle between the web server and an never ending torrent of requests.
bridges everywhere
This morning a discussion with a friend about various shells lead me to think it would be nice if my bash shell could tab complete hostnames from .ssh/known_hosts when I type ‘ssh <tab>’. I soon found this blog post which nicely documents how to do it. I made a directory in $HOME called .bash.completion and then added this to my .profile, which loops round any files in there, sourcing them individually:
if [ -d ${HOME}/.bash.completion ]; then
for file in ${HOME}/.bash.completion/* ; do
source $file
All sorted. However, it wasn’t long before I discovered that ‘ssh user@<tab>’ doesnt work, I tend to use this quite a lot so wanted to see if I could fix up the bash function to support that use case. Bit of hacking around and I’ve got it working, the replacement ssh-completion file is shown below:
__ssh_known_hosts() {
if [[ -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts ]]; then
cut -d " " -f1 ~/.ssh/known_hosts | cut -d "," -f1
_ssh() {
local cur known_hosts
if [[ ! ${cur} == - ]] ; then
if [[ ${cur} == @ ]] ; then
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${known_hosts}" -P ${cur/@/}@ -- ${cur/*@/}) )
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${known_hosts}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
complete -o bashdefault -o default -o nospace -F _ssh ssh 2>/dev/null \
|| complete -o default -o nospace -F _ssh ssh
isolate like docker + service scheduling + health checking
Quelques best practice concernant les Dockerfile
On peut se servir de Docker de plein de façon différentes, alors quelques repères ça ne fait pas mal
jme garde ça pour plus tard
via arnaudb
Une surcouche à docker pour organiser ses containers et les liens qu'il y a entre eux
à tester pour voir.. si ça ne fait que du listing de dir, autant utiliser l'autoindex d'apache.