django template does not like defaultdict, 2 solutions:
1) set default_factory to None
2) cast defaultdict to a simpledict
"The template variable resolution algorithm in Django will attempt to resolve new_data.items as new_data['items'] first, which resolves to an empty list when using defaultdict(list)."
Here's my filter code
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def smooth_timedelta(timedeltaobj):
"""Convert a datetime.timedelta object into Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds."""
secs = timedeltaobj.total_seconds()
timetot = ""
if secs > 86400: # 60sec 60min 24hrs
days = secs // 86400
timetot += "{} days".format(int(days))
secs = secs - days*86400
if secs > 3600:
hrs = secs // 3600
timetot += " {} hours".format(int(hrs))
secs = secs - hrs*3600
if secs > 60:
mins = secs // 60
timetot += " {} minutes".format(int(mins))
secs = secs - mins*60
if secs > 0:
timetot += " {} seconds".format(int(secs))
return timetot
Then in my template I did
{% load smooth_timedelta %}
{% timedeltaobject|smooth_timedelta %}
Another simple solution would be to write a custom MIDDLEWARE which will give the response to ELB before the ALLOWED_HOSTS is checked. So now you don't have to load ALLOWED_HOSTS dynamically.
The middleware can be as simple as:
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin
class HealthCheckMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin):
def process_request(self, request):
if request.META["PATH_INFO"] == "/ping/":
return HttpResponse("pong")
Django Middleware reference
Comment passer en prod une app django