In order to save graphs under 'My Graphs' and 'User Graphs' you simply need to log into Graphite and the Save/Delete buttons will then appear on the top of the Composer window. To log in you need to either create an account for yourself in the Django database or setup LDAP authentication. LDAP authentication is setup through, check out the example file's comments for details on doing that (or just ask if you run into any issues). However if you're not using LDAP its pretty easy to create a local user in Django's database using the Django admin interface.
When you first installed Graphite there was a step where you had to initialize the database by running ' syncdb'. That prompted you to create an admin user, if you did that already you're good to go. Otherwise you need to create an admin user by running ' createsuperuser'.
Once your admin user is setup you can go to the django admin interface by visiting http://my-graphite-server/admin/ (note: the trailing slash is required!) and logging in as your admin user. From there you need to create a new user account by clicking 'Add' under the 'Users' section. After that, go back to the main Graphite page. You may need to logout if it thinks you're still the admin user. Then log back in as you're new user and you should be able to save graphs! Also once logged in you have the ability to set profile options. Currently there is only 1 option, the "advanced UI features" option. Enabling that puts a '*' element in every folder that has more than one element, making it easier to use wildcards when you build graphs.
Hope that helps.
dash auto via collectd dashgen
via arnaudb
Je me mets ça de côté : la retention par défaut des RRD dans munin au format carbon :
pattern = ^munin.
retentions = 5m:2d,30m:10d,2h:45d,1d:1y
Sur les 2 derniers jours on a une mesure toute les 5 minutes
Sur les 10 derniers jours, une mesure toute les 30 minute est conservée
via arnaudb
If you have lots of metric names that change (new servers etc) in a defined pattern it is irritating to constantly have to create new dashboards.
With scripted dashboards you can dynamically create your dashboards using javascript. In the folder grafana install folder app/dashboards/ there is a file named scripted.js. This file contains an example of a scripted dashboard. You can access it by using the url:
If you open scripted.js you can see how it reads url paramters from ARGS variable and then adds rows and panels.
Avec ça possible de faire des templates de graph
Pourquoi utiliser statsd en plus de graphite ?
Pour scale ? car stats reçoit en udp, attend un moment, puis envoie à graphite.
Mais Carbon semble pouvoir recevoir lui aussi directement en udp..
Pour répartir la charge tout simplement ? à voir..
Un article du tech blog de flickr sur la metrologie (qui a servi d'inspiration à l'écriture de statsd)
Le combo statsd/graphite a l'air vraiment puissant
Repo github de statsd