Go to Preferences... > Profiles > Keys
Press Load Preset...
Select Natural Text Editing
The Quickest Way to Show/Hide Hidden Files
Since the release of macOS Sierra, when in Finder, it is now possible to use the shortcut:
brew install gnu-sed
feel better
Solution 1 (recommended)
Apple updated its Technical Notes to indicate that since 10.12.2, macOS includes version 7.3p1 of OpenSSH and its new behaviors.
In ~/.ssh create config file with the following content:
Host * (asterisk for all hosts or add specific host)
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile <key> (e.g. ~/.ssh/userKey)
Create a new key shortcut
alt + shit + ;
send escape sequence + "."
tuto utilisé au final avec ubuntu gnome remix