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GitHub - learn-vuejs/vue-patterns: Useful Vue patterns, techniques, tips and tricks and helpful curated links.
Feathers | Instant Realtime and REST APIs for Node.js
How To Build A Simple Single Page Application Using Vue 2 (Part 1) ― Scotch
Guide: Performing CRUD operations on list using Vue.js - Vue.js Feed
chjj/marked: A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
Haeresis/vanilla-js-dom: Vanilla JS is a fast, lightweight, cross-platform framework for building incredible, powerful JavaScript applications.
Plain JavaScript - Selecting DOM elements
GitHub - alibaba/weex: A framework for building Mobile cross-platform UI
GitHub - you-dont-need/You-Dont-Need-Javascript: CSS is powerful, you can do a lot of things without JS.
Javascript only - sort a bunch of DIVs - Stack Overflow
JavaScript 30 — Build 30 things with vanilla JS in 30 days with 30 tutorials
fnando/i18n-js: It's a small library to provide the I18n translations on the Javascript. It comes with Rails support.
Properly calculating time differences in JavaScript | synyx - Blog