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GoogleContainerTools/distroless: 🥑 Language focused docker images, minus the operating system.
GitHub - sigstore/cosign: Container Signing
Creating the Perfect Python Dockerfile | by Luis Sena | May, 2021 | Medium
Configuring Docker to not use the range - Server Fault
GitHub - containrrr/watchtower: A process for automating Docker container base image updates.
avsm/docker-ssh-agent-forward: Forward SSH agent socket into a container
Secrets Management within AWS ECS – Hacker Noon
GitHub - just-containers/s6-overlay: s6 overlay for containers (includes execline, s6-linux-utils & a custom init)
Reset properties inherited from parent image · Issue #3465 · moby/moby
jpetazzo/critmux: Docker + CRIU + tmux = magic!
How to list all tags for a Docker image on a remote registry? - Stack Overflow
How to Set external Parameters in the Service Container (2.7)
Configure logging drivers - Docker Documentation
Docker 1.13
ofelia/README.md at master · mcuadros/ofelia · GitHub
GitHub - jwilder/nginx-proxy: Automated nginx proxy for Docker containers using docker-gen
Edit a file in-place in vim - Stack Overflow
Containing your logical backups: mydumper in docker
Docker & Puppet for Application Management — and Sanity | Puppet Labs
sysadvent: Day 13 - Controlling a cluster of servers with Serf